I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day. ~Vincent Van Gogh
Moonlight is sculpture. ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
Night time is really the best time to work. All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep.~Catherine O'Hara
Nights belong to us, the days belong to the world. Its the time when the moonlight shines bright. When magical dust falls onto everything making it glow. It makes us want to dream, fly away in lands not known to us.
Its the dim light, the cool glow, the calm wind, the shining moon, the world fast asleep and this slow moving time that makes everything so special. Its timeless. I may run everyday, I may go further and further, but its the night that calls me back. Its the night that makes me fly away in dreams and its the night where my time, my thoughts, my smiles and my words belong to me......
Lets hope these nights keep sparkling like this forever..........
Nights are calm and soothing and are more attractive than days :)
you are just too good my dear
Nights are very soothing....I love em! :D
Diva: Thank youuuuu!!
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